The Battle Buddy Foundation is honored to be a part of such an important film about PTSD. Searching for Home: Coming Back from War is certain to have a major …
American Legion Post 221 Massillon, OH
The Battle Buddy Foundation was honored to have the opportunity to speak at the American Legion Post 221 Massillon, OH this past weekend. The Ohio American Legion Auxiliary has been …
two newest service dog pups
Meet the two newest battle buddy service dog puppies in training, Sgt T, and the little chocolate lab (yet to be named). These pups came from C&B Labradors, the little …
Partner: American Legion Auxiliary Department of Ohio
The Battle Buddy Foundation is honored to partner with the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Ohio as the President’s special project for the 2014-2015 year!! TBBF’s Event Coordinator, Chrissy, and …
Patriot Day 2014
13 years ago today, on Sept 11th, 2001, I was an active duty infantry Marine on Camp Pendleton, CA — a day scarred by a tragic event that ultimately set …
22 Veterans Commit Suicide Daily
With a veteran suicide rate averaging 22 every day, the work to support our nation’s veterans has just begun once they return home. With over 10 times the amount of veterans …
New battle, new buddies
U.S. Marine combat veteran Joshua Rivers says a marine isn’t thinking about the American flag, apple pie, or even their mother when bullets are flying overhead. They think instead about …
Veterans are going to the dogs
I love Marines. I was never in the armed services, but I love the Marines. I find them easy work to with when they come to my office and want …
Life changing service dogs
These highly trained psychiatric service dogs bring results that medication alone cannot. Trained to mitigate their handler’s disability, a Battle Buddy is a lifeline. They wake their handler from nightmares, …
Despite reports of combat veterans getting into shoot-outs with local police, post-traumatic stress shouldn’t be blamed
Herald investigates: PTSD and violence Despite reports of combat veterans getting into shoot-outs with local police, post-traumatic stress shouldn’t be blamed, experts say On July 14, a 24-year-old combat veteran …
Honor Love Your Pet Day with The Battle Buddy Foundation
You could honor Love Your Pet Day today by spending quality time with your favorite four-legged friend, but one Ohio-based organization allows you to do more than that. The Battle …
Nonprofit Opens Office in Valencia for Vets Battling PTSD
[TBBF] – With a dedication of serving combat veterans, The Battle Buddy Foundation is happy to announce the opening of its new location in Valencia. Currently, there are an average …
Combat PTSD Is Not A Sign Of Weakness, But One Of STRENGTH!
Combat PTSD is not a sign of weakness, but one of STRENGTH, for it is the result of doing what others FEAR to do. When in a combat environment, certain …
Three Ways Modern Technology Increases the Likelihood of PTSD Among Veterans
Over the last decade or so, the American public’s appreciation for soldiers has generally increased. I’ve witnessed dozens, possibly hundreds, of people thanking uniformed soldiers for their service, in stores, …
Service Dog Q&A
QUESTION: Are service dogs required to wear some kind of identification or do the owners carry some kind of certification papers so businesses will know if is really a service …